
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

3 Tips to Getting Past Your Pain and Step into Your Purpose!!

If you’re anything like me, a major skeptic, you're probably thinking that it’s easier said than done, right? If you've been wronged in the past or have gone through any major negative life events then it’s hard to just get over it and move on. But if you truly want to step into your divine purpose and begin to change your life, there are some things that must be done first. I didn't know at first how I was going to go from hurt, broken, and stuck in my situation to being free and stepping in my purpose.

Trust me it is no easy task. I still have a long way to go to reach my goals but once I made the decision to change and made a few adjustments, I began to see a change in my life. I want to share with you some of the things I did in hopes that it can encourage you.


1. Write your goals and dreams down. Be clear and specific. If you don’t know where you're going, you wont know when you've arrived. I mean really pray about what it is you desire. You’ll know when you are in alignment with what it is that God has for you to do.

Last year I wrote down that I wanted to be in alignment with my purpose and then I prayed and urged God to help me make that happen. The key is that when you finally figure out what your purpose is and write down those goals, you can’t be scared to make the moves necessary for the change to occur. 

2. Rearrange some things. This is where you need to get prepared for the greatness that is coming. Obviously the way things have been going isn't working for you. Essentially you need to position yourself to receive lifestyle that you want. Like I said before, I was scared at first to change things. I knew that where I was I couldn't grow or advance, but I stayed because I was afraid of “the unknown”, what could go wrong. Then, I moved out of that location, and things started to change.

Maybe you need to get around people that are already living the lifestyle that you want. See what they are doing and begin to make the necessary changes in your life. You could even take it a step further and see if they could mentor or coach you towards success.

You also need to prepare yourself mentally. I suggest reading at least 30 minutes a day as well as listening to audio daily. The audio can be anything from motivational audios to audiobooks. Doing this daily keeps your mind focused on what it is that you want.

I need to give a disclaimer, though. I am in no way saying that things are going to be perfect over night. In fact, often times things will be uncomfortable to begin with. As long as you don’t give up and keep pushing toward your goals you will eventually get there.

3. Do the Work! The most important step. They say faith without works is dead and you can’t seriously expect to receive something for nothing.

One of my goals that I had when I started on my journey towards my purpose was to generate some extra cashflow. I was just recently able to find a way to do that. The other day I took a leap of faith and joined a company called DS Domination. I saw that people were making money within their first 24 hours with this company. Others have made over 5 figures with this company! Check it out!

Also with this company you don't have to recruit a single person to start making money!!! Find out more here.

Email me with any questions: or TEXT "Show me the money + Your name" to 9092313288 and receive a link with more information.

See ya on the good side!

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Friday, August 8, 2014

Feeling Like You Need a Change? (Motivation)

Feeling like you need a change? Watch this video to see what I did that DRASTICALLY changed my situation.

For more motivational tips and information on how you too can begin to make a change, don't forget to like the video and subscribe to my channel. See ya in the next video!!

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Monday, June 2, 2014

Planning Your Week + [BONUS]

We are almost half way thru the end of the year! Summer time is here! Its the first day of the month but its also Sunday.
  On Sunday I like to prepare for the week ahead. Just to help increase my productivity. I started doing this task because, as a mom of two busy-bodied boys, ages 7 and 3, life can get kinda hectic and I was beginning to get stressed. One thing I learned today from watching Oprah’s “Super Soul Sunday” show on her OWN network, is that things happen that we cannot control. You control your reactions. You can either dwell on the bad things that happen or you can figure out a solution. (I'm paraphrasing.)  So if you plan out your meals for example, and on Thursday your husband decides he doesn't want salmon croquettes (i hate those by the way lol) but he wants spaghetti, its ok. You can always switch the salmon day with the spaghetti day. The point of planning is so that you have a guide. You may have to take your son to football practice on a school night at 5 and its over at 7. You don’t want to be figuring out what to cook for dinner at 7:30 when you get home. If you had your meal planned and you cooked at 3 pm, the kids could eat as soon as they get in and then get ready for bed.  This is just an example of what I try to do so that I'm not constantly giving my kids fast food. I am in the process of creating a template or example video of how I plan my week. I will get that out to you all this week so stay tuned and be blessed!
I wanted to leave you with this Thought of the Week: Before you can change your situation, you have to first change your mind. You can't keep doing the same things and expecting a different outcome. You can change your mind by listening to daily motivation/self-development every day. You can start with listening to motivational audios for at least 15 minutes a day. You can find good ones on YouTube. One of my favorites is Warren Buffett. (Just type his name in the search bar) Also a few of my friends host a daily “Wake Up and Win”  call to help you get your mind right and get your day started with the right mindset.
Dial (559)726*1300 pin 493824#
Every Mon-Fri
@ 9am EST/6am PST Missed the call or can't make it a 6am? Catch the replay (559)726-1399 pin 493824

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